The challenge of improving school life of the child begins with our little ones as they enter Class 1. The school management understands the ultimate requirement of life-worthylearning for every pupil as it is normally felt that child-education has reached a difficult cross-road; the current academic endeavor requires child-education with participatory attributes of dynamism and diversity to crystallize change.
The basic education in the primary wing is being constantly empowered with assimilation of pragmatic ideas and new concepts. The students are constantly motivated to strengthen their inner ability to think freely and conceptualize. The capability of enhancing interest in knowing about the subjects and understanding the basic concepts are very carefully consolidated at this level with the help of CBSE-NCERT course of studies. Thus, there is a strong blend of professional attitude and pedagogic competence in teaching-learning pattern of the primary wing. Always, planned education concepts and attributes are delivered to students in this formative stage by technically skilled and knowledgeable teachers. School management lays great stress in helping pupils for powerful transition as they grow up to move from primary wing to secondary level.
The class-rooms and the IT-aided infrastructure have been carefully selected to ensure that the sense of belonging is nurtured in the early years as the pupils mature preparing themselves to move ahead. An array of variety of co-curricular activities with regular games and sports has become a smooth extension of enriched curriculum. This promotes creativity and skill development and provides space to nourish individual talent. There is also a strong emphasis by the school management on the issue of personal discipline and conduct. The school prefectorial committee has an important role to guide, motivate and monitor the rituals of corridor and class-room regulations under the close supervision of teachers. Though the children enjoy their freedom but they are always prevailed by systems, that in no way become a constraint to their natural growth and development. Above all, the students love their institution and resent to stay at home even when they are sick and unwell.
The eventful hours in the school make each one love and admire their class and a streak of pride about their teachers and the beautiful campus is usually felt in all of them.