A Visit to Hokersar Wetland

A Visit to Hokersar Wetland 01 July

A Visit to Hokersar Wetland

A Visit to Hokersar Wetland: Students' Environmental Care Activity:

Today, students embarked on an enriching visit to the Hokersar Wetland as part of their environmental awareness initiative. The primary objective of the visit was to learn about the delicate habitats of birds and the importance of environmental conservation.

The day began with students actively participating in a cleanliness drive, clearing litter and debris to ensure a clean environment for both wildlife and visitors alike. Armed with placards advocating for bird conservation and environmental stewardship, the students displayed their commitment to raising awareness.

As they explored the wetland, the students were informed that many migratory birds had already departed in March, leaving behind a quieter landscape. Nevertheless, they were fortunate to observe several resident bird species thriving in their natural habitat. With keen interest, they observed the behaviors and interactions of these birds, gaining insights into their roles within the ecosystem.

The visit served as a poignant reminder of the fragility of our natural habitats and the importance of preserving them. The students left Hokersar Wetland inspired and empowered, carrying with them a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship and a renewed commitment to protecting our planet's biodiversity.

This experience not only enriched their knowledge but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards nurturing and safeguarding our natural world for generations to come.