PTM [I to X]

PTM [I to X] 14 May

PTM [I to X]

After a long period of distance teaching, during which parent-teacher engagement was subdued, Doon School Srinagar conducted a PTM throughout grades I to X on 14th May, 2022 to discuss the performance of students with their parents. Parents were given feedback on their ward’s performances in Periodic Test 1st/Pre-Mid Exam 2022.

It was a healthy interaction between the teacher and the parents for the development of their children where they discussed both the strengths and areas of improvements.  The PTM's major objective was to work with parents to educate them about the importance of limiting their wards' usage of cell phones and focusing more on physical activities.

The PTM concluded that collaborative effort and mutual understanding between parents and teachers are critical for students' optimal sustenance and advancement.